LAST UPDATE:08/15/09
As part of our work to completely update all of our sites, Cybereef has undergone a few changes, mostly in the layout. As we are no longer diving, the content will remain the same. We are now living in our home in Costa Rica, 1.7 miles from the peak of the very active Arenal volcano. We have decided to switch from underwater to topside photography and our new images and videos can be found on our companion site CritterImages. We have not removed this site as it still gets quite a bit of traffic and we hope that you will enjoy our past underwater work.
The SlideShow Section offers four of our favorite Indonesian underwater shows
Decorator crabs now have their own page called Undercover Agents.
Dominica is a great travel destination and you can see some of the images on the DOMINICA PAGE.
Images of Curacao Page has a trip report and images of our two trips to the beautiful island (Ok, Ok....make that "exotic island") of Curacao.
The Eyes Have It challenges you to a test of your critter ID skills using only an eye close-up as your clue.
The Mabul/Sipadan Page is up on the 'Reef with eight macro shots from Mabul and eight wide angle images from Sipadan.
If you ever wonder what "Big Game Hunting" was like in the Lembeh Strait, check out the short story " THE GREAT MANDARIN HUNT" previously published in Ocean Realm Magazine.
Phillip Slosberg.
Copyright 2009 All rights reserved.