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site at CritterImages.com
Copyright Warning: The
photography in these pages is protected by internationally recognized U.S. Copyright Law.
It is illegal to use or copy all or part of these images in any form without written
permission from Phil Slosberg.
Violation of this copyright will result in probable hair loss,inevitable eternal damnation and the development of an
extremely annoying rash in your nether regions. This rash will prove resistant to all present forms of medical therapy
and can only be resolved by: 1) Immediate cessation of the illegal use of my photos, or 2) Sending me a sufficient quantity
of money to convince me to remove the "Dreaded Fungal Curse" from your penitent soul. Thank you for your kind
attention and now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Phillip Slosberg.
Copyright 2009 All rights reserved.